Appendix 8 Projected budget Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 maj 1997

Given the continuing variables on which decisions have yet to be taken - such as location,
precise staffing levels and salary scales - it is not possible to fully detail a budget at this point.
The following is a preliminary costing for the purposes of indicating the level of funding required.
This estimate is for total costs i.e. including launch costs and running costs, and assuming the
centre will bear full costs of premises, furniture, computer equipment etc, which may not necessarily
be the case. In practical terms, full salary costs will probably not be incurred until the third year,
depending upon how the recruitment of staff progresses.
A. Set-up costs
Recruitment £ 10,000.00
incl. advertisements, recruitment costs
Relocation £ 5,000.00
Office search and set-up £ 5,000.00
incl. provision for legal fees (2,000), miscellaneous fees
(2,000), telephone installation (1,000)
Reference materials, books, papers, etc £ 5,000.00
Capital expenditure £ 25,000.00
incl. furniture, equipment (10,000),
computers (15,000)
Total set-up costs £ 50,000.00

B. Projected Budget

I. Staff year 1 year 2/3
Director (grade D) £ 24,000.00 £ 24,000.00
Information officer (grade C) £ 21,000.00 £ 21,000.00
Office support staff (grade B) £ 18,000.00 £ 18,000.00
Information officer (grade C) £ 21,000.00
Information systems operator (grade C) £ 21,000.00
Employer ´s contributions, social costs etc (20%) £ 13,000.00 £ 21,000.00
Staff training £ 2,000.00 £ 2,000.00
£ 78,000.00 £ 128,000.00

II. Premises
Rent £ 25,000.00
Service charges (electricity, water, etc) £5,000.00
Maintenance £ 1,000.00
Office insurance, taxes, bank charges £1,000.00 £ 32,000.00

III. Communications and Office Costs
Phone, fax; e-mail, mail £ 15,000.00
Photocopy £ 5,000.00
Office Stationary, etc £ 2,000.00
Subsciptions, reference materials £ 3.000.00 £ 25,000.00

IV. Professional fees
Legal fees £1,000.00
Audit/accounting £4,000.00 £ 5,000.00

V. Travel and Meetings
AGM £ 10,000.00
Board meetings £ 10,000.00
Director & staff, to/from IS and Sections £ 7,000.00
Participation in conferences £ 2,000.00 £ 29,000.00

VI. Contingency (5% of total) £ 11,000.00

Total projected budget per annum £ 230,000.00