ICM beslut 1/2007, ICM beslut 1/2003 Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 mars 2009

ICM beslut 1/2007

DECISION 1 (P1) One Amnesty: Strengthening AI’s Global Planning

The ICM 2007 met to discuss the urgent need to strengthen Amnesty International’s systems of international planning if it is to increase its positive human rights impact. Therefore the movement decides that during the next ISP AI will have in place systems that:

      - develop clear strategic and operational global priorities and connected indicators of impact;
      - align strategies, priorities, competencies and resources;
      - strengthen monitoring and evaluation;
      - build on a foundation of dynamic and effective democracy;
      - strengthen voices of rights holders.

To that end:

The ICM agrees to set up a process that will run during OP3 under the leadership of the IEC. This process, engaging the movement and supported by it, will address the following issues:

Strategic and operational planning
The IEC will develop systems for joint operational planning alongside the development of the next ISP.

The IEC will guarantee that the ISP and operational planning systems together:

- provide clear strategic long-term goals;
- guarantee focussed global directions engaging and motivating all relevant entities in AI during Operational Planning cycles;

- align financial resources, activities and competencies according to these priorities;
are flexible in accommodating external trends and opportunities; and
will consist of planning processes that are accountable and transparent.

The ICM encourages the IEC to use the development of the next ISP and joint operational planning processes as a learning opportunity. During this time all stakeholders involved will reflect on the best arrangements for the next ISP cycle to bring about effective and strategic operational planning.

The IEC will provide support for training and communication to enable all entities to participate effectively in the revised process.

In the context of the work towards improved global approaches to planning and prioritization, and to enable a shift from "assessment to distribution", the IEC will explore and develop the following systems on a global scale:

- The creation of a standard information base for all AI entities
- A system for transfer, collation and analysis of information
A process for setting and reviewing income forecasts and targets
Systems to enable both global and local priority setting

Financial Architecture
The IEC will develop a proposal, to be brought to the next ICM, for a global system that will enable the principled, transparent, effective and efficient distribution of AI's resources and activities so as to maximize AI's human rights impact.

Organizational architecture
The IEC will work on a dynamic international organizational architecture where the roles of AI entities and operational divisions of labour are competency-based, so as to make the organization as efficient and effective as possible.
The IEC will develop systems of knowledge management and capacity building to support this process.

Monitoring and evaluation of performance of all entities
The IEC will develop systems to monitor the performance of all AI entities and to that end will improve reporting mechanisms to strengthen internal and external accountability.
The Financial Control Committee shall be replaced by the Accountability and Control Committee to strengthen accountability and transparency.

The IEC will ensure evaluation of AI´s performance during the present ISP to identify and share lessons learned.
The IEC will set up systems that guarantee the evaluation of global movement priorities during the next ISP to assess the impact of AI’s work; the systems will be adequately resourced.

The process
The IEC and all other entities will engage with Directors and Chairs Forums to report on the progress of implementation of this resolution and the IEC will, in particular, report on the structuring and priority setting.
The IEC will set up international bodies, where appropriate, to support this process.
The IEC will report to the next ICM on their progress in the implementation of these changes.

(Arising from resolutions AOS F, G and H)

ICM beslut 1/2003

Globalizing Justice! Amnesty International Integrated Strategic Plan 2004-2010

[isp 2004-2010.doc]