Brev från EU-föreningen Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 september 1996

(Detta underlag kommer att presenteras av A-utskottet under punkten "rapport från utskotten".)


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To: Board of Sections in EU Member States
From: Board of Amnesty International-European Union Association
Date: 9 September 1996
Re: Recommendations AGM 1996 on the role of the Al-EU Association in the movement

Dear friends,

At the last AGM of the Amnesty International-European Union Association, which took place on 1-2 June 1996, some recommendations were adopted regarding the role of the EU-Association in the movement. The AGM expressed its wish for the EU-Association to be more involved in relevant international meetings, in order to support the integration of work of the Association with that of the international movement.

The Board wishes to inform you about the content of these recommendations and to ask your kind cooperation in the implementation. For background information we would like to refer to the paper that has been discussed at the AGM (Proposal of the Board of the Amnesty International European Union Association on the role of the Association within the Amnesty International Movement (Agenda point 8- the paper was sent with the mailing nr 2 - if you require another copy of this document please contact Mike at our office).

The AGM adopted the following two recommendations which involve some action by the Boards of the EU Sections:

1 to ask the sections of the EU Association to propose at the appropriate tune of the ICM procedures that the EU Association is given the status of an observer to the ICM;

2 to ask the sections of the EU Association to propose that the EU Association is invited to relevant directors or other meetings, as far as strategic options are concerned, and to grouping meetings as far as EU issues are concerned;

A third resolution called on the Board of the Association to undertake some action

3 Consequently, the AGM decides to instruct the Board of the EU Association to look into and discuss with interested parties the issue of cooperation and repartition of tasks/responsibilities with other bodies in the movement, especially the IS, in order to improve the use of the specific contribution that the EU Association is able to make in developing strategies and implementing actions.

For your information, the Board will have the issue of the Role of the EU Association within the movement as a
main point on its agenda for the next meeting (12-13 October 96).

Request to sections

In particular the first two recommendations call upon the EU-sections to undertake some initiatives. It is
important to take action on these matters before the next cycle of meetings.

F The Board would appreciate it very much if you would be willing to raise these issues at the appropriate time and if you could keep us informed on developments in this area.

We look forward to continuing the dose and motivating cooperation with the sections.

With kind regards,
Niels Erik Markussen
AI EU Association Board Member