Förslag till resolution till ICM Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 oktober 2004

Till: Styrelsen
Från: Sune Montan och Anja Melin
Datum: 26 november 2004

The International Council

DECIDES to instruct the IEC to:

1. Investigate how democratic influence could be exercised between ICMs through the Chair’s Forum

2. To put forward a suggestion on this topic to the ICM 2007, including

· what issues should be addressed by the Chair’s Forum; as a minimum decisions on priority questions and themes of global campaigns should be included

· formal and practical measures enabling the Chair’s Forum to exercise such influence.

Explanatory note

Despite its short history, it has on several occasions been suggested that the role of the Chair’s Forum be expanded; Cf. e.g. decision 30 of ICM 2003; Circular 42 to the ICM 2001 (ORG 50/014/2001); The matter is also discussed in POL 10/03/2004.

We strongly believe that an increased presence in the decision process between ICMs would be beneficial to the movement. Several factors indicate that this is the case:

· The expansion of the mandate and the very wide frames of the ISP give very little guidance to the IS/IEC as to what priorities to make. A further expansion to the “full spectrum” is subject to decision at the present ICM. This expansion of our field of activities has taken place rapidly. A close involvement from the movement is necessary when decisions on different course of actions are to be taken in order to ensure a common view on priorities.

· Less frequent ICMs were suggested at the ICM 2003. It was generally acknowledged that from many points of view, it would be advantageous to increase the intervals between ICMs to three years. However, the reduced democratic influence was seen as a major obstacle. With this influence exercised through the Chair’s Forum, three years intervals between ICMs would seem more feasible.

As the discussion of decision 30 at ICM 2003 shows, there are many opinions on whether the Chair’s Forum can be a decision-making body or if its role must be limited to an advisory role with all decisions remaining with the IEC. This and other obstacles must be overcome in order to turn the Chair’s Forum into an effective channel for democratic influence.

Förslag till beslut:

- att anta ovan nämnda resolutionsförslag.
- att svenska sektionen sänder in följande resolution till IS/ ICM PrepCom för att efter beslut på svenska sektionens årsmöte 2005 läggas fram på ICM 2005.