Utredning av Amnestys demokratiska strukturer Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 juni 2007

Till: Styrelsen
Från: ICM-delegationen/Lisa Moraeus
Datum: 2 juni 2007

Underlag angående utredning av Amnestys demokratiska strukturer

AI USA vill att en utredningsgrupp ska tillsättas för att komma med förslag på hur beslut kan tas mellan ICM med tanke på övergången till en treårscykel. Man är orolig för att demokratin ska bli lidande av färre ICM. Utredningen ska titta på CF:s roll, men även fundera på andra möjligheter.

I sin resolution citerar AI USA den sista satsen i Decision 24 från ICM 2005. Det är det beslut som bygger på den svenska resolutionen om att stärka Chairs Forum (CF) och på den svenska delegationens samarbete med den Nederländska sektionen, före och under ICM 2005. Hela beslutet bifogas nedan. Den sista stasen i beslutet handlar om att IEC ska utvärdera hur CF har fungerat 2003-2007. Resten av det beslutet stärker CF:s roll och poängterar att CF ska få tillräckligt stöd för att kunna fungera som det var tänkt från början.

Vi anser att det är oklart vad USA egentligen vill med sin resolution och kommer att ta kontakt med dem för att diskutera detta.

Frågor att diskutera

- Hur ställer vi oss till en utredning om Amnestys demokratiska strukturer?

- Hur ska vi agera för att Chairs Forum verkligen ska få det utrymme att fungera som beslutades vid ICM 2005?

Resolution från AI USA om att utreda Amnestys demokratiska strukturer.
Beslut 24 från ICM 2005

Accountability – AI USA Working group on governance & decision making

BE IT RESOLVED that the IEC shall establish a working group to review the adequacy of existing systems for consultation and decision-making between ICMs (including but not limited to the functioning of the Chairs' Forum), with an eye towards strengthening these systems and ensuring that the role of the ICM in the overall decision-making process not be reduced; and that this working group shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations regarding intra-ICM decision-making to the movement by August 2008.

Explanatory note


Although previous ICM decisions have called for the investigation and strengthening of decision-making processes, there is concern that the move to a three-year cycle will weaken the role of the ICM, of sections/structures, and of the membership, and further centralize decision-making authority.

The 2009 ICM is scheduled to be the last held before the shift to the three-year cycle. It is critical that the movement be confident that the role of the ICM and the capacity for movement-wide involvement in decision-making between ICMs are strong.

To that end, this resolution seeks to ensure that the movement is presented with an assessment and recommendations well in advance of the 2009 ICM, so that there is time for consultation within sections/structures and at the Chairs' Forum, as well as adequate time and information for sections to prepare to address this issue (if need be) at the 2009 ICM.

The working group may be a sub-committee of the Chairs' Forum and/or the IEC, both of which are tasked with strengthening consultation and decision-making, or may be a separate group selected by the IEC.

Past decisions:

The 2003 ICM decided that it is desirable to work towards a three year cycle for the ICM, with effect from the close of the 2009 ICM; and

Decision 24 of the 2005 ICM instructed the IEC , “ in close collaboration with the Chairs’ Forum Steering Committee, to evaluate the role and development of the Chairs’ Forum in the period 2003-2007, and, (if necessary) propose specific measures to ensure international democratic consultation as well as measures for a decision-making procedure between ICMs, and to inform the next (2007) ICM.

PrepCom Note
PrepCom has assigned this resolution to the WP on Accountability.

Decision 24 Role of the Chairs Forum

The International Council:

REMINDS the International Executive Committee (IEC) and the Chairs’ Forum of Decision 30 of the International Council Meeting 2003, saying that "the IEC and the chairpersons of sections will work together to clarify the expanded role of the Chairs’ Forum";

REITERATES the terms of reference for the Chairs’ Forum, which state that the Chairs’ Forum shall be adequately funded by the IEC to allow all section chairs, or another board member, to attend and participate effectively in Forum meetings, and to be able to do its work between meetings, including introducing new Forum members and enabling work to be carried out in the four core languages through the use of appropriate communications technology;

AFFIRMS that the Chairs’ Forum is an ongoing forum which has responsibility for playing an important role in the movement through its advisory function to the organization and the IEC about any matter related to AI governance, and through contributing to the development of the Integrated Strategic Plan (ISP) and other profound international decisions;

STRESSES that, in order for it to be able to perform its duties, it is extremely important that the Chairs’ Forum function well throughout the period between ICMs and that communication within the Forum be efficient, transparent and easily accessible to all Forum members;

URGES the IEC to take the necessary measures within its power to enable the Forum in accordance with the description contained in Decision 30 of the 2003 ICM, including joint development, between the IEC and the Chairs’ Forum Steering Committee, of a budget with adequate funding;

URGES the Chairs’ Forum to strengthen international decision-making processes by taking on the role described in Resolution OSB 12.11 to the 2003 ICM and subsequent Decision 30;

DECIDES that between International Council Meetings issues relating to:
· AI identity (e.g. global campaigns),
· priorities that concern the whole movement (e.g. ISOP2),
· controversial issues that require immediate attention, and
· aspects that do not fall clearly within AI’s mission
shall be referred to the Chairs’ Forum for consultation.

DECIDES that these issues shall be discussed as thoroughly as possible at meetings of the Chairs’ Forum. It will be necessary to substantially improve coordination and preparation for such meetings in order for the Forum to be able to provide meaningful advice to the IEC and the movement (e.g. well-defined agenda items, discussions based on documents that, where possible, are distributed early enough for the Chairs to have the opportunity to consult with their Boards or with relevant members of their secretariats);

DECIDES to set up, without delay, a live interactive forum, moderated by the Chairs’ Forum Steering Committee and accessible to all members of the Chairs’ Forum, to facilitate the work of the Forum between meetings;

FURTHER DECIDES that the Chairs’ Forum, its Steering Committee and the interactive forum shall receive adequate resources to be able to fulfil their important roles for the movement (according to the terms of reference);

FURTHER DECIDES that measures should be taken to facilitate closer structural cooperation between the Steering Committee and the ICM Preparatory Committee and between the Chairs’ Forum and the Directors’ Forum;

INSTRUCTS THE IEC to continue the discussion about measures to improve the organization’s democratic decision-making processes;

FURTHER INSTRUCTS THE IEC to investigate options regarding decision-making between ICMs, including the possibility of delegating decision-making authority to the Chairs’ Forum in the period between International Council Meetings concerning the issues referred to above, and to consult the Chairs’ Forum on any specific proposals arising from this process, thereby preparing the decision-making process for the next ICM;

FURTHER INSTRUCTS THE IEC , in close collaboration with the Chairs’ Forum Steering Committee, to evaluate the role and development of the Chairs’ Forum in the period 2003-2007, and, (if necessary) propose specific measures to ensure international democratic consultation as well as measures for a decision-making procedure between ICMs, and to inform the next ICM.

(Arising from Resolutions OSB G,H and J)