Arbetet med den internationella mandatöversynen Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 januari 2000

Till: Styrelsen
Från: Sekretariatet
Datum: 25 januari 2000

Arbetet med den internationella mandatöversynen

Nedan följer SCMs rapport till IEC i december 1999 (ur IEC Information Bulletin 31). Framför allt vill vi fästa styrelsens uppmärksamhet på punkt 2. och be styrelsen överväga om det internationella mandatmötet i höst skulle kunna hållas i Sverige.

Report from the Standing Committee on the Mandate (SCM)

The Standing Committee on the Mandate met in London on 22-24 October to plan its work for the next two year cycle. We welcomed Francis Perrin (France), Oki Ooko-Ombaka (Kenya), Tamara Trotman (Netherlands) and David Weissbrodt (USA) to the committee. Most of the work of the SCM over the next two years will be devoted to the mandate review. However, in doing this we also plan to address some issues that have been on our agenda for a long time (such as "other grave measures" and armed/humanitarian intervention) and which have been given a low priority in the past. Our next meeting will be in Berlin on 25-27 February.

1. Mandate Review
Our plans for our work on the mandate review are described in detail in the November 1999 issue of the newsletter Inside the Mandate (POL 21/03/99, issued to Sections in weekly mailing 49/99), so only a brief summary is given here. Please note, however, that at the time or writing we are having further discussion about the timing of the international meeting on the mandate review provisionally set for the end of October 2000; the date of this meeting will be confirmed shortly.

The SCM will be producing several sets of papers on the mandate review during the current decision-making cycle:

(a) February 2000
Two papers will look at options for presenting the mandate in different ways, and options for changing the mandate from a list of specific concerns to the full range of human rights. These will set the framework for discussion of specific policy issues to be addressed in the following papers. Work on these two papers in now well advanced and drafts are circulating amongst SCM members and correspondents.

(b) August 2000
Papers on economic, social and cultural rights; on the opposition/promotion distinction; on non-state actors; on armed conflict issues; on armed/humanitarian intervention; and on "other grave measures" will be issued in preparation for the international meeting in the last quarter of the year.

(c) Late 2000
A summary of the outcomes of the international meeting will be distributed to Sections.

(d) 2001
A synthesis paper containing the SCM's proposals for the new mandate will be issued as an ICM circular.

The SCM will be working with a consultant on the issue of economic, social and cultural rights, and we expect this to be the most substantial policy area that we will study.

2. International meeting on the mandate review, October/November 2000
The SCM would like to hear from any Section that might be interested in hosting this meeting. The meeting will be run on the pooled fare system, with the SCM and IS budgets covering the costs of SCM members and IS staff; a budget has also been agreed to cover the cost of organising the meeting. The main responsibility of the host section will be to organise accommodation and to provide a venue for the meeting. Please contact the SCM chair if you would like to discuss the arrangements for this meeting in more detail.

3. Other projects
In addition to the mandate review, the SCM will be working on guidelines for advocacy of hatred, and will be maintaining its programme of mandate education. We will also be liaising with SCRA in their study on impunity, and we have been doing some work to try to clarify AI's policies on promotional work and on abuses by non-state actors.

4. Correspondents
The SCM is involving a few correspondents in drafting and revising the papers for the mandate review, and would be interested to hear from any other individuals in Sections who would like to participate in our work in this way. We would particularly like to hear from anyone who has knowledge of one of the policy areas that the mandate review papers will address.

5. Alternate member
The SCM has a vacancy for an alternate member. We are keen to fill this vacancy and would urge all Sections to consider nominating suitably qualified candidates. The alternate member is expected to participate in SCM business (principally drafting and revising papers), but does not attend SCM meetings. The main requirements for the post are a good overall knowledge of the mandate and a willingness to work to tight deadlines, especially over the next 18 months.

6. Papers from the SCM
Those who would like to read our minutes or any other internal SCM papers are welcome to request them. Requests for electronic copies (including a complete index of SCM papers) can be sent to the SCM chair; requests for paper copies should be sent to the Organisation Liaison Unit at the IS.

Peter Pack, SCM Chair
email: [email protected]