Beslut från ICM 2007 – förslag på åtgärder Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 september 2007

Till: Styrelsen
Från: Sekretariatet
Datum: 27 augusti 2007

Beslut från ICM 2007 – förslag på åtgärder

Följande fem beslut har identifierats som att de kräver en åtgärd från den svenska sektionen.

- Decision 1 (P1) One Amnesty: Strengthening AI’s Global Planning

Ur ICM-beslutet:

”The ICM encourages the IEC to use the development of the next ISP and joint operational planning processes as a learning opportunity. During this time all stakeholders involved will reflect on the best arrangements for the next ISP cycle to bring about effective and strategic operational planning.”

Förslag till beslut:
att uppdra strategigrupp 2 att ansvara för att i enlighet med beslutet formulera synpunkter på hur strategisk planering bäst struktureras inom Amnesty internationellt.

- Decision 4: Full Spectrum Approach: Vision and Mission

Förslag till beslut:
att uppdra åt sekretariatet att i enlighet med beslutet justera sektionens stadgar samt korrigera övrigt relevant material.

- Decision 11: International Youth Strategy

Ur ICM-beslutet:

The International Council

REAFFIRMS Decision 18 of the 2005 ICM to adopt the International Youth Strategy (IYS) (ACT 76/009/2005) for all levels of the movement; and

CALLS ON sections, structures, and the International Executive Committee to:

1- Ensure a more thorough and robust implementation of the IYS, in a way that takes into account diversity and integrates its three prongs, namely Participation, Activism and Engagement by:

      a. Ensuring that youth work within the movement is equipped to support the robust implementation of objectives under all three categories of the IYS, Participation, Activism and Engagement
b. Ensuring that the Amnesty International brand is and remains appealing to young audiences,
      c. Continuing to enhance youth Activism and Engagement, and instituting ways to significantly enhance youth Participation within the decision making processes of the movement.”

Förslag till beslut:
att uppdra åt sekretariatet att i enlighet med det aktuella beslutet se över den svenska sektionens implementering av den internationella ungdomsstrategin.

- Decision 19: Optimizing research

Ur ICM-beslutet:

REQUESTS that when possible, sections and structures in collaboration with the IS, contribute to AI´s research within a decentralized framework. Sections and structures may contribute resources (cash, activity at section and structure level and/or in kind support), and the findings of research that has been conducted in accordance with international movement guidelines, plans and priorities.”

Förslag till beslut:
att uppdra åt XX (sekretariatet? En strategigrupp) att se över i vilken form och utsträckning den svenska sektionen skulle kunna bidra till utredningsarbetet inom Amnesty.

- Decision 22: Enhancing AI:s Financial Architecture

Ur ICM-beslutet:

“DECIDES that each AI entity will submit a retrospective and a prospective report covering activities and resources as presented below to allow internal and external accountability.


    Each AI entity shall submit, as a prospective report, a Standard Planning Report which will accompany the Standard Financial Report , in which is described key aspects of the global ISP that are to be implemented locally and which gives details of the resources that will be allocated to these activities. Detailed income forecast and projections must also be included.

    Each major AI entity will submit, on a six-monthly basis, a précis financial report to the IEC showing income and expenditure compared to budget. A summary report will distributed to the movement each six months.

    Each AI entity shall submit, as a retrospective report, a Standard Action Report (SAR) which will accompany their Standard Financial Report. The SAR will contain information on the relevant entity’s activities, focussing in particular on human rights campaigns, growth and accountability (as per Decision 1 of the 2003 ICM) and will include reports on agreed key performance indicators.”

Förslag till beslut:
att uppdra åt sekretariatet att utreda hur det aktuella beslutet ska implementeras i den svenska sektionen.