Annual Report from Sections and Coordinating Committees (ORG 10/02/98) - extra styrelsemöte 15 augusti 1998 Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 juni 1998
AI members only
AI Index: ORG 10/02/98
Amnesty International
International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
London WC1X 8DJ
United Kingdom
To: All Sections and Coordinating Committees
Date: 23 July 1998
Annual Report from Sections and Coordinating Committees
Last year, the International Secretariat (IS) produced a State of the Movement Report. This was welcomed by the movement and it was requested that a second report should be produced for the 1999 International Council Meeting (ICM). In order to produce this we will make an inventory of, and use, statistics already existing in the IS. But we still need as much information as possible from sections. For this reason the following questionnaire is sent to you, and we urge you to fill it in as completely as possible. It is definitely important that all sections - as a minimum - fill in and return Part 1 of the questionnaire. If there is time and possibilities your responses to Part 2 will be much appreciated.
This document is being sent to all sections and coordinating committees
Recommended Actions
Please fill in this questionnaire and return it to Muzong Kodi, Head of International Development Unit (IDU) at the IS no later than 15 September 1998.
Annual Report from Sections and Coordinating Committes (CCs) to the IEC
( A questionnaire for the State of the Movement Report)
I. Name and address of section/CC
Address: | Postal address (if different ): |
II. Section/CC contact details
Main office telephone number(s) | |
Main office fax number | |
Main office e-mail address | |
Name of the Chair of the Board/Executive Committee | |
Chairs direct telephone number | |
Chairs direct e-mail address | |
Name of Treasurer | |
Treasurers direct telephone number | |
Treasurers direct e-mail address | |
Treasurers direct fax number | |
Name of Director/Secretary General | |
Directors direct telephone number | |
Directors e-mail address | |
Directors direct fax number | |
Name of Finance Director (if applicable) | |
Finance Directors direct telephone number | |
Finance Directors direct e-mail address | |
Finance Directors direct fax number |
June 1997
June 1998
| |
Number of registered, fee-paying members | ||
Estimated percentage of active members (that is, people who participate regularly in the activities of the section/CC or of an AI group/network) |
Number of new members joining the section/CC last year | ||
Estimated percentage of members leaving the section/CC last year |
Number of regular donors (that is, people who have given money to the section/CC twice or more times during a two-year period) | ||
Number of subscribers to section/CC Newsletter | ||
Estimated number of participants in section/CCs specialized/professional groups and networks | ||
Number of board members | ||
Number of paid, full-time staff members | ||
Number of paid, part-time staff members | ||
Number of office volunteers |
As the responses to the following questions may depend on who is answering them we should like to know who is responding. Is it:
* Mainly the board
* Mainly an individual board member
* Mainly the secretariat staff
* Mainly the director/secretary general
* Board and staff together
* Others
If so , who? ..............................................
I. Summary of Section/CC activities
On the next page, please give a summary of your main activities in the past year. Sections/CCs which have recently produced a report for use in their annual general meetings (AGMs) please also attach this to this questionnaire. Add heading you may use for example campaign activities, public events, fundraising activities etc.
Self-evaluation. Please evaluate your section/CCs activities mentioned above in terms of:
a. What were successful/effective and why?
b. What were unsuccessful/ineffective and why?
II. Membership issues [ Please list the major weaknesses and strengths of your section/CC
2.Most sections continue to attract new members but at the same time some members are leaving AI. When members leave, what reasons do they give?
3.What are the main problems encountered by AI groups/networks in your section/CC?
4. In the next 12 months do you foresee an increase or decline of your:
a. Membership? Why?
b. Local groups/networks? Why? c. Financial donors? Why? d. Income? Why? e. Paid staff? Why? f. Campaigning activities? Why? |
5. If you have done a survey of the section/CCs membership please give the results here. Or you may be able to give estimates.
1. Gender. Percentage of male/female members | Male % | Female % |
2. Marital Status of members | 3. Education | % | |
Single | Primary only | ||
Married/co-habitating | Secondary only | ||
Widowed/divorced | University level | ||
4. Age groups | % | 5. Length of AI membership | % |
Under 19 years | Under 2 years | ||
20 - 29 | 2 - 4 | ||
30 - 39 | 5 - 7 | ||
40 - 49 | 8 - 10 | ||
50- 59 | Over 10 years | ||
60- 69 | |||
70 and over | |||
6. Members in: | % | 7. Of those not in paid employment | % |
Paid employment | Students | ||
Not in paid employment | Home workers | ||
Retired |
8. Of those in paid employment: | % |
Manual workers | |
Business/industry | |
Self-employed | |
Professionals: | |
Educational | |
Health | |
Legal | |
Others |
6. Do you have specific recommendations on how the IS can improve its assistance/service to section/CCs?
IV. Information required by ICM Decisions
Membership Policy . Does your section have a restrictive membership policy
(for example, do potential members have to be approved by the Board?). If yes, please indicate how many applications for membership were turned down last year by your section/CC, and for what reasons.
(2). Affiliated Membership . Sections are required by ICM decision to submit information to a central register on any affiliated organizations. A circular (ORG 04/06/86) outlines the detailed guidelines governing affiliation and asks specifically for sections to report annually on the following issues:
a. Total number of affiliated organizations in the section | |
b. Total voting strength of all affiliated organizations | |
c. Total voting strength of the section | |
d. Which major sectors do affiliated members belong to and in what proportion | |
1. Trade Unions | |
2. Others (please specify) | |
e. How many votes does an AI group have in the section AGM? |