International Fundraising Meeting to be held in London on October 30-31, 1998 - extra styrelsemöte 15 augusti 1998 Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 juni 1998
AI members only
AI Index: ORG 81/02/98
Distr: SC
Amnesty International
International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
London WC1X 8DJ
United Kingdom
To: All Sections
Date: 21st July 1998
International Fundraising Meeting
All sections
Recommended Actions
Please reply within specified dates.
AI members only
AI Index: ORG 81/02/98
Distr: SC
No. Of Words: <words>
Amnesty International
International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
21st July 1998 London WC1X 8DJ
United Kingdom
Who is invited?
All sections are invited. Those who are paying for their own travel and accommodation will be limited to two delegates each. The budget allows for 13 sections to be supported from the International Budget. Each of these sections will be asked to send only one delegate.
What is the agenda?
The objectives of the meeting, as laid out in Decision 50, are to make recommendations on:
a) establishing a comprehensive strategy for international fundraising with ongoing support of all sections and the IS;
b) developing plans to implement these strategies;
c) deciding responsibilities for implementation;
d) determining support needed from sections and the IS;
e) determining the need for a fundraising audit; and
f) determining how best to integrate all sections into this strategy.
As agreed at the March 1998 preparatory meeting by the drafters of Decision 50, the meeting will also consider, in the context of the comprehensive strategy discussions above, the following questions:
1. Are existing fundraising guidelines adequate, especially with respect to government and corporate fundraising, or do they need to be adapted?
2. What IS-section coordination issues, and what resource needs, must be resolved in order to accomplish the strategy?
3. What follow-up from the FWG Skillshare strategy session in February is needed?
The decision-making authority of the meeting will be:
1. To make recommendations to the IEC re: international resources and strategies for fundraising;
2. To make recommendations re: other movement processes affecting fundraising (for example, the DAWG or the ISP)
3. To take any decisions on strategy or approach that can be made at section level.
Two specialists from a professional fundraising firm will be present at the meeting to facilitate the discussion and provide background on current developments in the field. Finally, the meeting will also provide an opportunity for sections to share experiences and lessons from recent fundraising initiatives, as recommended at the FWG conference in February.
A detailed agenda will be sent out in early September.
How much will it cost to attend?
The hotel where we have reserved rooms (the Travel Inn) is minutes from the conference venue (Hamilton Hall). Both are near the Kings Cross/St Pancras rail station. Rates at the Travel Inn are £55 per person per night, plus breakfast (£5.95 for full, £3.95 for continental). There should be no major additional costs to sections beside travel, and any costume desired for the Halloween party on Saturday night (we will take up a collection to cover costs of food and drink for the party).
How can sections apply to receive funding for attending the meeting?
Sections wishing to attend the meeting but needing support from the international budget are asked to send, as soon as possible, a written request for funding including the following information:
- an outline of any fundraising initiatives planned for the next year;
- an explanation as to why attendance at the meeting would help achieve your goals;
- the amount of the total fundraising budget of the section/structure for 1998;
- the name and responsibilities of the proposed delegate;
- what examples of fundraising material or techniques they would be able to bring to the meeting to share with other delegates.
The decision as to which sections will receive support to attend will be made on September 15 after the International Treasurer, the International Fundraiser and the Development Team have reviewed the requests received.
What papers will be reviewed at the meeting?
In early September all sections will receive a copy of the existing and proposed Fundraising Guidelines (including guidelines for government and corporate funding) for both movement-wide comment and discussion at the meeting. At the same time, a paper on IS-section coordination and strategy and the revised needs analysis will be circulated. There may also be a paper on options for restructuring of the Fundraising Working Group.
What will be the working language?
Due to budget constraints, the working language of the meeting will be English; if this presents serious problems for a section or structure, please advise us in your application or registration and we will try to accommodate your translation or interpretation needs as best we can.
Both as preparation for the meeting and to assist with your own fundraising development, sections and structures are also being offered eight 90-minute audiocassette tapes consisting of the proceedings of the FWG Skillshare in February. These tapes feature presentations and tips from senior fundraisers at Greenpeace and UNICEF, suggestions and ideas from principals of the Ken Burnett agency, innovations from your colleagues in other sections, presentations outlining successful fundraising experiences of the Irish and Italian sections, and a summary of the strategic recommendations made by the participants. THESE TAPES WOULD BE EXCELLENT PREPARATION FOR THE OCTOBER MEETING, and are suitable for either individual listening or for listening with your colleagues over lunch!
The IS Fundraising Team can send you these tapes for £20 to cover the cost of duplicating and express mailing. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like a set!
To Whom do I Reply re: This Meeting?
Please reply to Rebecca Lewis, IS Fundraising Team if you are planning to fund your own attendance; if you are applying for financial support from the international budget, please reply to Blair Gibb, IS Fundraising Team.