Brev från orföranden till AI Norway, AIUK, Faraoe Islands sec., Icelandic sec., Finnish sec. Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 augusti 1997
25 September 1997
AI Norway
Faroe Islands section
Icelandic section
Finnish section
Dear friends,
It was nice meeting you in Kampala but we all missed the delegate from the Finnish section.
I am sending you the mintues from the meeting. The grouping committee decided that we should divide the grouping in three parts of responsibility. I got the responsibility of the European sections.
In the minutes you find as an appendix a page called "Reinforcing the Human Rights movement in Africa". Comments on this one should be send to Patrice Vahard during the month of October in order for him to prepare the task for the informal grouping2 meeting in Capetown.
The adress to the Regional Office is:
Africa Regional Office
Patrice Vahard
P.O Box 23966
or by email to: or
The second issue I want to raise is the meeting in 1998 that was suggested to take place in a European country. I will hereby ask you to discuss the possibilities of arranging the grouping2 meeting in 1998. The cost for the grouping meeting in Kampala was £ 30.000 and hopefully we would be able to arrange a cheaper meeting in 1998.
I think we ought to think mainly of arranging the meeting were we have to use as less money as possible rather than to arrange it at an " exotic " place.
The time for the meeting was discussed in the commtitte to be held in March or April but after further discussions with Menno Kamminga from IEC I think that it should be arranged around the month of September in order to have time to do a follow-up of the decisions taken at the ICM in Capetown.
I would appreciate if you could let me know at the latest 30 November 1997 if your section would be interested to arrange the grouping2 meeting 1998.
Good luck in the preparation for the ICM. I am looking forward hearing from you soon.
Best Regards
Charlotta Nordenberg
Chair, Swedish section.