Resolution to ICM 2001 - Fundraising Guidelines-Relief Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 januari 2001
Till: Styrelsen
Från: ICM-delegationen
Datum: 19 januari 2001
Resolution to ICM 2001
Fundraising Guidelines-Relief
The International Council
recognising the Fundraising Guidelines that were adopted by Decision 47 of the 1999 ICM;
noting that the revised Fundraising Guidelines accept government funding for relief purposes;
noting that no written analysis of the relief-related consequences of this decision was carried out prior to ICM 1999;
REQUESTS that the implementation of section III.E, which relateds to relief funding, of the Fundraising Guidelines adopted by ICM 1999 be suspended until the issue of government funding has been addressed and analysed from a relief perspective;
REQUESTS the IEC to review in this context the advisability of accepting national government grants for relief purposes;
REQUESTS the IEC to review to what extent sections benefit from government funding in their relief work;
ASKS the IEC to ensure that an analysis of the involvement of government funding in relief work be carried out in time for the ICM 2003.
Explanatory Note:
The 1999 Decision
The Revised Proposed Guidelines for the Acceptance of Funds and Fundraising by Amnesty International state that contributions from governments for relief may be accepted, but not if targeted for specific individuals or for a refugee from a specific country. The Resolution was formally put to the ICM by the IEC. The resolution was put forward as a financial resolution, and the relief implications of the revised guidelines were not adequately analysed or discussed. We believe that this analysis should have been carried out before the resolution was put to the 1999 ICM.
To date no section, following an inquiry from the Mandate and Research Programme, has reported to the IS that they have applied for, or recieved, government funding for relief. Given the background outlined above we believe that a comprehensive study should be carried out taking into account the particular relief-related implications of the introduction of government funding.