ICM 1999 : 24th International Council 1999 - Proposed Statute Amendments - Circular 10 Underlag till styrelsemöte 1-2 januari 1999
AI members only
AI Index: ORG 50/04/99
Distr: SC
No. of words: 536
Amnesty International
International Secretariat
1 Easton Street
London WC1X 8DJ
ICM 1999
13-21 AUGUST 1999
Proposed Statute Amendments
Date: January 1999
Proposed Statute Amendment and background notes.
This is an internal organizational circular which is being sent to all sections.
Recommended actions
Sections should pass copies of this circular to all those attending and/or involved in preparations for the 1999 ICM.
AIUK - Statute Amendment Resolution to the 1999 ICM
The International Council
DECIDES that in order to enhance the clarity of AIs position the words sexual orientation should be included after the word colour in the Statute (Article 1a).
Background Note
At the 1991 Yokohama International Council Meeting AIs policy was changed so that we may take up as Prisoners of Conscience people imprisoned for their homosexuality.
Decision 3 of the 1995 ICM amended the Statute to include other reasons for discrimination but did not explicitly include sexual orientation.
There is an inconsistency between AIs policy and its Statute which shrouds AIs position on the fundamental rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people not to be persecuted for their sexual orientation.
This resolution does not change the present Mandate. It does change the wording of the present Statute to give greater coherence and clarity to the work that we do in this area. We lack credibility when we are not honest about what we do.
This resolution has no resource implications.
At the 1997 ICM this proposal achieved a two thirds majority at Working Party A. Thereafter, in the interests of achieving greater consensus, AIUK agreed to the matter being referred to the IEC for further examination in consultation with the movement leading to a cost benefit analysis to inform the next ICM. At the time of submitting this resolution in November 1998 we await the consultation and analysis.
It remains the firm belief of AIUK that by making the words sexual orientation explicit in the Statute we will reflect and focus upon AIs current policy more honestly. We will also help raise awareness of such violations.
Since this resolution is mandate-related, we refer as follows to the criteria of Decision Z, 1995:
Focus: The proposed statute amendment makes explicit an aspect of the focus of our existing mandate.
Credibility: Our credibility can only be enhanced by openness and honesty about our commitment to uphold the rights of people persecuted for their sexual orientation.
Relevance: Infringements of these rights are numerous and widespread and increasingly openly discussed. The explicit recognition of the importance of these rights in the statute of AI is seen, particularly by gay and lesbian activists movements, as important to their human rights work.
Coherence: The amendment does not affect the coherence of the mandate.
Clarity: The amendment makes AIs position clear where it is currently obscured by the language of the statute.
Resources: There are no resource implications.
Activism: The change will strengthen the activism and commitment to AI of all those who care about these issues, including the increasing number of very active GLBT networks in AI sections.
Submitted by AIUK
Source: Amnesty International, International Secretariat,
1 Easton Street, WC1X 8DJ, London, United Kingdom