Punkt 9 Governance Reform - Engagement Feedback Template Underlag till styrelsemöte 29-30 januari 2016







Please read the entire Governance Reform Engagement with the Movement document (ORG10/3160/2016) thoroughly before answering the following questions. The questions are grouped following the same structure of the Governance Reform Engagement with the Movement document.


Please return your completed feedback template to

governance.reform@amnesty.org by 29 February 2016. If possible, please limit your answers to half a page per question.


If you need any clarifications, please email us on governance.reform@amnesty.org.











Who did you consult within/outside your entity? How did you engage with them?


Did you need to translate the engagement document? YES | NO


Did you find the interactive PDF helpful to present the governance reform information?





  • How does the way we currently do governance create exclusion at national and global level? What are the barriers to the way we currently do governance?


  • The document outlines some ideas to develop solutions on how to integrate diversity in our global governance. Based on the experience in your own entity and what you have observed in other organizations, what are the practical solutions to enhancing and ensuring diversity in our global governance? For example, should we introduce quotas at entity and global level? Should we establish additional structures?


  • What changes can we make at entity level to enhance diversity at the global level?

Global Structures & Accountability

  • The document outlines the proposed division of roles and responsibilities between the International Board and the Global Assembly; would this proposed division ensure an efficient and democratic governance? What needs to be changed?


  • The model proposes that each entity appoints one delegate to the Global Assembly. In your opinion, what is the maximum number of delegates each entity should be able to appoint? Please explain. Please note that any change to the number of delegates appointed to the Global Assembly will require a change to the other parts of the model.


  • How can we enhance our capability to discuss and decide on financial issues?


  • In the proposed model the International Board’s accountability is enhanced through additional reporting requirements to the Global Assembly, the need for the Global Assembly to vote on the reports, and the ability of the Global Assembly to elect and dismiss the International Board. Would this be sufficient to enhance the International Board’s accountability? What other measures would you propose?


  • Based on the experience in your own entity and what you have observed in other organizations, through what mechanisms would you propose that entities are made accountable to the movement (i.e. for delivery of the Strategic Goals; for compliance with Global Assembly decisions, etc.)?

Decision-making and process and participation

  • The document outlines the proposed decision-making process; would this process allow us to develop an agenda which is truly linked to our human rights mission? What changes are needed?


  • Will the revised role of the Preparatory Committee ensure a more strategic focus for the Global Assembly? Are there other changes that should be implemented to achieve this?


  • The document outlines the functions of the Regional Forums. What changes are needed?


  • Would a Meeting of the Movement help us in achieving our mission? In what ways? What should be the functions of a Meeting of the Movement?

Voting rights

  • How does (or doesn’t) our current voting system enhance fairness and equality?


  • Are there any other options that should be considered? Which option do you support and for what reasons?


  • Which entities should be entitled to vote? Will only full members (sections) have full voting rights? How flexible should our governance be to include new ways of organizing and growing in specific national contexts?