
English version: Resolutions and proposals


Summary of resolutions and proposals to be discussed in working parties.

Each working party will deal with resolutions and proposals within a certain area. In addition to the each party will discuss parts of the proposed Plan of Action 2000-2004.

Working party 1 - Policy, Research and Action

Plan of Action 2000-2004
Combat torture
Oppose abuses against woman
Support Human Rights Defenders
Strengthen the rights of refugees and asylum-seekers

Resolutions and proposals
1.1 The basis of human rights
1.2 Limit expansion of AI:s mandate
1.3 Refugee work - reconsider AI:s relationship to the Swedish Refugee Advice Centre
1.4 Revise the guidelines for the refugee work within the Swedish Section (proposal of the Board)
1.5 IT against torture - develop a network for the protection of threatened HR-defenders (previous AGM-decision, proposal of the Board)

Working party 2 - Activism and Human Rights Education

Plan of Action 2000-2004
Increase the activism

2.1 Strengthen local promotional work
2.2 Establish a regional office in southern Sweden
2.3 Lobby the international mouvment to include Special Groups in the calculation for determining the number of delegates to the ICM
2.4 A descriptive list of activities, along with names of contact persons, should be distributed to groups
2.5 Follow-up on Urgent Actions (previous AGM-decision, proposal of the Board)

Working party 3 - Resources and Development

Plan of Action 2000-2004
More efficient fundraising

3.1 Simplified form for resolutions
3.2 Improve the international Plan of Action
3.3 Changed working procedures to lighten the Section Board's work-load
3.4 Produce thank-you letters or certificates for donors
3.5 District finances
3.6 Fees assessed on local groups by districts
3.7 Decisionmaking General Meeting annually rather than every other year
3.8 Change of AGM-cycle (proposal from the Board to alter the Statues)
3.9 Reject gouvernmental economic support (proposal from the Board)
3.10 Announcement of AGM and distribution of the annual report (proposal from the Board to alter the Statues)
3.11 Size of membership fee (proposal from the Board)


Skapat av : Tessi FickendeyIndex: ORG 51/005/2000Kategori: Organisation - Årsmöten - Inför
Ändrat: 2000-04-12År: 2000Status: Medlem